Sunday, 8 May 2011

How To Get Traffic from Facebook Social Plugins

Social Plugins are a new initiative from Facebook to allow website owners to integrate their content into Facebook’s social graph. Put simply, that means if you start using their plugins on your blog, any interactions your visitors make with the plugins will be reflected in their Facebook profiles, and thus to their friends. There are a bunch of plugins on offer which you can find more about here. Most of the plugins show visitors information about their friends on your pages, but two of them are great for bloggers looking to try and get back a little traffic love from Facebook. ·        Like Button: - Facebook have fallen in love with “Like” buttons – you’ll start to see this as the action of choice...

Friday, 6 May 2011

Part Time Blogging

You may have read a lot about pro blogging and what it takes to become a full time blogger and earn more than enough to have a living. This is one of the most common topics among active bloggers and there are tons of nice articles that cover various aspects of the subject. With the huge amount of focus that is currently given on becoming a pro blogger, I think often the opportunity and benefits of becoming a profitable part-time blogger is widely overlooked. Earning a reasonable amount of money on a part time basis is actually more desirable than most people realize. Part-Time Blogging: What Are the Benefit: - ·        Less Pressure on Yourself - If you are a part-time blogger then you will probably...

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

5 Tips for Bettering Your Blog

When it comes to your blog, articles, and your content in general, quality is the most important thing to keep in mind. Who wants to read something that’s confusing, misleading, or is simply a boring mess? Nobody, of course!  Below you will find some simple changes you can make to your blog that will surely increase the quality of your content, which could very well lead to an increase in traffic to your site. ·        Break it up with headings One thing to keep in mind is that many people won’t read your blog word-for-word. People will generally skim a page for points of interest, and then read further once they’ve found something that catches their eye.  By breaking your post up into sections...

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

How to Choose a Web Hosting Plan

Whether you are an affiliate marketer looking to optimize your landing pages or you are a professional blogger looking for ways to enhance your WordPress-powered site, it pays to have good web hosting. Different people are going to have different needs, to be sure, but there are a few criteria that just about everyone will want to keep in mind. RELIABILITY AND UPTIME When looking for the best web hosting, perhaps the most important characteristic is uptime. It doesn’t matter if all the other features are incredibly attractive if your site never loads reliably. It can be difficult to determine the true reliability of a web hosting company without giving them a try for yourself, but you can look around the Internet for some reviews...

Monday, 2 May 2011

4 Tips To Help You Stay Focused on your Blog

Most people who blog also have a full time job or occupation (i.e., school), not to mention other personal activities (e.g., friends and family), so balancing everything can become tricky indeed. In fact if you don’t plan well your blog is probably the one that is going to suffer first. That is, when things get messy or overwhelming, most people just abandon their blogs. I think this is a mistake, because a blog is a great marketing tool for anyone. It helps you improve your writing, it expands your network of contacts, it builds an audience for your ideas, it allows you to establish expertise in your field and so on. That is why I decide to write a post with 4 tips that will help you stay focused on your blog, even if your personal life...

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